FORUMS – MAGAZINEs – BLOGS K-ISOM Kommando – International Special Operations Magazine (K-ISOM). (German language) SPARTANAT Gear, Reviews, SEALS & SOF (German language) SOFREP International special operation Magazin SOFREP (english language). SHOPS BOMBFROG The Shop for SOF “Gear” (themed clothing and accessories) . Dollars and Pound Sterling accepted. To browse the merchandise in English, Read More

The German navy’s Kampfschwimmer naval commandos are among the best Special Operations Forces in the world. The are trained for triphibian operations. They are at home on land, in the water and in the air. On Land Seventy percent of a Kampfschwimmer’s missions are conducted on land. He is trained to operate every vehicle, Read More

The German navy’s Kampfschwimmer naval commandos are among the best Special Operations Forces in the world. The are trained for triphibian operations. They are at home on land, in the water and in the air. In Water Kampfschwimmer are at home in, on and under water. They use this environment to approach their objective,, Read More

Civilian Internship (Student / Apprentice) If you are a civilian (including high school student or apprentice) interested in a short-term internship, contact the Kampfschwimmer personnel recruiting office: Kampfschwimmer Personal Werbetrupp Am Ort 6 24340 Eckernförde Tel.: 04351-66-3508 oder 3505 E-Mail: Officer Careers For information about a career as an officer contact the German, Read More

In late 2005 the Kampfschwimmer training program was extended from 15 to 36 months. This extension reflected operational experience. It also accommodated the recent change in Kampfschwimmer rank structure. Previously sailors with the rank of Maat (equivalent to US Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class) or above could serve as Kampfschwimmer. That was changed. Now, Read More

The mental and physical prerequisites for Kampfschwimmer service are the highest within the entire German armed forces. Candidates must be in the highest category (T1) of the physical screening test administered to military recruits. On a case by case basis candidates who fall in the second highest category (T2) of the physical screening test, Read More

LERNE LEIDEN OHNE ZU KLAGEN! – LEARN TO SUFFER IN SILENCE! Is the motto of Kampfschwimmer training, and that pithy phrase really says it all. Candidates must display courage, unmitigated determination to succeed, willingness to learn, mental flexibility, capacity for suffering, humility, self-confidence, self discipline, leadership, responsibility, and the ability to work as part, Read More

Kampfschwimmer training lasts three years. Next to pilot training it is one of the longest, most expensive and physically most demanding training programs of the German armed forces. Aside from the overall physical and psychological burdens of the training, the element of water constitutes the trainees greatest challenge. This is what differentiates Kampfschwimmer training, Read More

The shock of 9/11 2001 not only exposed the vulnerability of Western societies, it also identified the current threat which political institutions and the military need to confront head on. In the course of the security policy debates and developments which followed the attacks in New York and Washington, the German Navy created a, Read More

On 2 August 1990 some 100,000 Iraqi soldiers crossed into Kuwait. Within a few hours of this invasion the UN Security Council passed Resolution 660, condemning the invasion and demanding the withdrawal of the Iraqi forces. On 16 January 1991, one day after the ultimatum associated with UN Resolution 678 expired, the anti-Saddam coalition, Read More